On the 22nd of February was my mother’s birthday.

My mother was very excited that her birthday was on a Sunday, so all of us would be home and not at work or wherever!
We made my mother a special breakfast of Blueberry and Vanilla yogurt with granola and fresh organic fruit. We all love this breakfast, but only have it on birthdays!
My parents specially saved up for weeks for all of us to go have lunch together - this is not something that happens often!
We went to the beautiful Round The House restaurant near Camps Bay.
It was the most beautiful clear blue sky wind still day! Some of us around the table - little ones went playing on the big green lawns!
My mother with currently our youngest family member, Michael.
My amazing parents!
Josua, Danika and some yummy food!
CJ and I
We had a lovely day, the little boys played so much and was so dirty at the end. We adults had such a great time chatting around the table in the beautiful outdoors.
My mother had such a special birthday. She is such an amazing mom, friend and colleague, and I love to spend time with her. She cares so much about everyone of us!
Happy Birthday Mommy!!